Getting back into exercise after injury

When you’ve injured yourself, you need to ensure that you take it easy and allow your body the time it needs to repair itself. Once you’re feeling in tip-top condition…

5 ways routine can improve your fitness

When it comes to improving your fitness levels, health and general well-being, it isn’t just about what you do, but how often you do it. You may well have worked…

How to deal with crowded gyms

We’re well into the first month of the year, which means many people have signed up for gym memberships in a bid to get in shape and shed any excess Christmas weight. While this is all well and good, an…

Fun winter family activities

It’s winter in the UK and many parts of Europe, which means the kids will soon be off school and ready to celebrate the holidays. With the temperatures dropping outdoors, you may prefer to stay inside and keep warm, but…


How to choose the best gym for you

When it comes to keeping fit, there are a number of ways to do so: from jogging around your local park, heading to a sports class at your local leisure centre or joining a gym. Now that it’s winter in…

Exercise Tips

Keeping warm when exercising outdoors

Winter is on its way, which means it’s time to make some changes to your usual outdoor workout regime. There’s no better feeling than exercising in the fresh air with…

A guide to gym etiquette

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer or you’ve only recently signed up for a membership, the rules of gym etiquette apply to everyone. While there are no strict guidelines, there are a number of ways to conduct, or not conduct, yourself…

How to stay active while injured

If you’re a self-confessed fitness fanatic who loves to exercise regularly, we know how much of a nightmare it is when you develop an injury. Whether it’s big or small, an injury of any severity will mean that you have…

How to exercise without trying

If you aren’t a huge fan of exercising, but know that you need to introduce it into your lifestyle, it’s time to get your act together. While gym memberships can be expensive and you don’t particularly enjoy running on track,…

Rookie mistakes to avoid in the gym